Proposal to ease the problems of local Welsh folk buying homes
When the locals in Wales want to buy a home
they often find that they are competing with much better off buyers
from cities in England and maybe even abroad.
To help them bid/buy on an even footing
it should be necessary for all house-buyers in Wales
to use mortgage bonds.
Each bond would be valued at £1
and locals should be able to buy them at say, 40 pence each, perhaps
if you’re Welsh but from another part of Wales, 60 pence each.
If you already have a home then you should have to pay a premium,
say, £1.25 or more. Foreigners would have to pay even more,
maybe £1.50 or £2? This would enable the local Welsh worker to buy a home.
the next is an old idea - you may remember the welsh problems
Another possibility is to compel homeowners from outside the area
to split their homes in two ( upstairs and downstairs ? )
part for their own use and part to let
to a local couple or family at a fair rent
(for the wages paid in that area).
This might also ensure that the house was not burnt down by nationalists.
I appreciate that the concept is open to suggestion and improvement.
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